Another great year for Newborough has been and gone in the blink of an eye!
After last year's great effort of raising £4,800 for charity we very convincingly won the trophy for raising the most money for charity and aim to do so again this year. This is all down to the great bank of committed members we have to run the great event we put on.
First of those events this year was our annual ploiughing match, which raised money for Cancer Research and several other charities. A lot of work for this event goes on behind the scenes and we are thankful to all our members, friends and not at all least the kind judges who give not at all least the kind judges who give up their day to help us out. None of this would be doable doable with out everyone's help.
Then in mid-may we had our Tractor Road Run which, as always, attracted a great crowd of both tractor drivers and spectators in the villages we pass through. After last year's brand-new route, we did a bit of fine-tuning to this year to create a fine day for all. None of this would be possible without everyone involved, including the police who accompany us on our way round to keep us on the straight and narrow! Also, those cheering us on and kindly donating to the charity as we parade-past on our route your kindness is greatly appreciated.
We also held many fun activities throughout the year such as a Dragon's Den, escape rooms, and a muddy obstacle course, just to name a few. We also hosted the annual competition of the county's mock auction, with thanks to the Mees family for allowing us, to use their yard and machinery and various items as lots. Also, thanks to Maxey Grounds and Co for overseeing the auction and judging how well the members performed.